Monday, March 30, 2009
哈哈 因為我是閒人啊 我就是閒人,閒到會寫這個部落格,如小弟有的罪或有那裡寫錯的請多多抱歉。
糖果 ~ 牛明膠
【药 名】:牛明胶
【来 源】:为牛科动物牛皮、骨、肌腱熬制成的胶质。
【功 效】:止血,滋阴。
【主 治】:用于吐血、衄血、便血、崩漏、以及内脏出血,阴虚心烦,失眠症,虚劳喘咳或阴虚燥咳,咳嗽。
【拉丁名】:Bos taurus domesticus Gmelin
【考 证】:始载于《中国药用动物志》。
Sunday, March 29, 2009

一 不杀生 在家学佛,首重杀戒。在家中杀生,家庭变为杀场,冤魂不散,难保平安。也不能“点杀”(指定叫商贩杀)。如目前不能长素,可吃花素,为培养悲心,可买现成肉吃。杀生的恶报最可怕,现前的花报往往是疾病缠身或短命;死后的果报,常堕恶道中。
二 不偷盗 不与而取叫偷盗。凡是未给与你的钱财,不管用什么手段把它变为自己的,都是犯盗戒。从因果律讲,种布施因,获财富果;种偷盗因,获贫困果。
三 不非梵行 “梵行”是净行,“非梵行”是不清净的行为,指淫欲。五戒只禁“邪淫”,在家居士夫妻生活,不算犯戒。而这里要求的是出家人的戒,即是“不淫”。但只限于每月六斋日,并不难做到。这是种出世善因,是关闭生死之门。《楞严经》说:“淫心不除,尘不可出。”意为淫欲心不清除干净,不可能超出六道轮回。宣化上人宣讲十二因缘时说,无明就是指淫欲心,以无明为缘(条件)而产生行,行就是男女的性行为。中阴身投胎,正是这一念淫欲心造成的。八戒中的“不淫”含有很高的要求。《佛说斋经》说:“一日一夜,持心如真人(如来),无淫,不念房室,修治梵行,不为邪淫,心不贪色,如清净戒,以一心习。” 在家受持八关斋戒,夫妻宜分房,分床,以保持三业清净。
四 不妄语 包括四项:(1)妄语:大妄语如妄言自己开悟,希图名闻利养,死后必堕地狱,忏悔也无用;其次为谋私利而妄语欺人,也是自种恶因,终受恶报。此外,方便妄语是有条件的,必须是利人利物而不是利己。(2)恶口:用恶毒语言咒骂别人。这是自种恶因,将自食其果。(3)两舌:说翻弄是非,挑拨离间的语言,特别是说四众(在家,出家二众)过失,居士菩萨戒列为重戒。更应重视。(4)绮(音奇)语:指花言巧语,包括黄色下流的语言。
五 不饮酒(包括不吸毒) 饮酒本身不是罪恶,但酒能乱性,使人失去理智,而破戒犯罪。古代印度有一男居士,一日因误饮酒醉,犯饮酒戒。见邻居家的鸡过来,偷杀吃了,犯盗戒,杀戒。邻居妇女来寻鸡,答说未见,犯妄语戒。见邻妇漂亮,奸污她,犯邪淫戒。因为饮酒导致五戒俱犯,生受国法惩办,死堕恶道。饮用药酒,必须经医生诊断,非药酒不治的病,才能饮用。
六 不非时食 “非时”指日中至次日清晨,即过午不食。过午不食叫“持斋”,“持斋”虽不是戒,却是戒之体,是八关斋戒中最重要的一条。吃素不等于持斋,“斋”含有内心清净,摒绝杂乱的意思。从事相上说,过中午而食者,即为杂乱不净。所以,三世诸佛都是过午不食。从根本上说,必须身,口,意三业清净,才叫“斋”。不问在家出家,要净化三业,均应持斋。
七 不着香花曼,不香油涂身;不歌舞倡伎,不故往观听 “香花曼”,用香花制成的花冠,花环,如现代人用的手镯,项链,耳环等,在八关斋戒中都不要用。这条戒的目的是让在家人种出世之因,所以衣着力求朴素。如果仍迷恋这些装饰品,你的内心怎么能清净?“香油涂身”是热带人的习惯,在八关斋戒中,凡香水、香粉、香脂均不应使用,因为这类美容化妆品,容易诱发淫念,使三业不净。
八 不坐卧高广大床 过去西域的“床”,包括坐椅在内。什么叫“高广大床”呢?藕益大师《十戒威仪录要注释》说:“床脚高一尺六寸,坐时脚不挂空,过此量者,即名为高。但可容身转侧,过此即名为广。既高且广,即名为大。”依此解释,现代人用的席梦思和绸帐、绣枕、锦被等豪华用品,八关斋戒期间均不要用。否则,容易影响身、口、意三业清净。只有看淡物质享受,才能提高精神境界;只有习惯过简单、朴素的生活,才有利于修行方面的精进。
一 脱离病苦
二 消灭罪障
三 免除横祸
四 远离恶道
五 福报优厚
六 成就迅速
七 来世贵尊
八 得生天上
九 往生助缘
十 临终欢乐
十一 得相好身
十二 成佛道缘
Becoming a better programmer
With abundant resources in the form of books, website and courses, programming is fast becoming a cinch.
However, good programmers are hard to come by. Anyone can learn the semantics of a programming language and churn out lines of fanciful code, but much lack the foresight, diligence and initiative required to build a program that is practical, dependable and robust – yet easy to maintain.
It takes years of experience and hard work to become a competent programmer. If you are fairly new to programming, here are a few pointers and guidelines that should help you advance, if not excelling, in the field.
Many programmers shrug off commenting on their code as being a waste of time. A few lines of comment to describe your code takes a mere fraction of your time, but goes a long way in helping jog your memory when you revisit that piece of code months or years later.
Commenting on your code is especially vital if you are working in a team if your teammates need to understand your code, comments save them the hassle of interpreting the syntax of your code.
Every time you stumble upon a complex problem, you will need to spend significant time and effort in extensive research and writing experimental code to produce a solution.
In the long run, the possibility of encountering a problem of a similar nature is quite high. Unless you have a reasonably fantastic memory, changes are you would have forgotten the solution by them.
To save yourself invaluable time spent on construction the solution again, you should build your own database or catalogue of bugs and their respective solution. Every time you need to fix an identical buy, all you have to do is to look for the code in your database and reuse it.
Keeping track of your bugs and errors can also be used as a troubleshooting guide. Should any of your programs fail, you can also be used as a troubleshooting guide. Should any of your programs fail, you can do a quick search on your bug’s database to find a similar problem fail, you can do a quick search on your bug’s database to find a similar problem and modify its solution to caret to the current solution, again saving you precious time and effort.
Errors are part and parcel of a program. No matter how robust your program is, there is always a chance of errors occurring beyond your control, like invalid data entry from the user or a broken connection to an integrated component.
Thought should be given to the handling of unrecoverable system critical errors. A good practice is to never display the original message that was returned by the error. Sensitive information like a database name and SQL queries displayed in error messages provide malicious users with useful information that can be manipulated to hack your system.
Even if security is not a cause for concern, a more descriptive message in layman’s term is more meaningful to a non-technical user. Besides giving a more professional impression of your work, doing so also provides them with a clearer indication of what went wrong.
Not all errors need to terminate the flow of your program. Certain errors like improper user input can be handled graciously with an informative message to advise the user on what user-input the system is expecting.
Intensive and structured testing should be an integral part of all programming exercises. Not only does testing help reveal flaws and bugs in the program, it also provides an indication of how well received the program will be.
The best testers for your program are the potential users of the program, not the programmer. At best, testing your own programs will not determine whether the program works if you do everything your way. When others test your program, it reveals what can go wrong when different people try different things on your program.
A program that work wonders in the programmer’s eyes may not be practical to the user. Most programmers overlook ease-of-use and accessibility as they toil to build operational functionalities.
A program that can perform phenomenal tasks is ineffective if the users do not find it convenient enough to be used on a regular basis.
The testing exercise is the user’s preview of what to expect. It provides them with an opportunity to comment on the areas where the program falls short of their expectations. The testing process is the best ground to gather feedback from potential users on ways to improve the user experience.
There is no shame in asking for help from your peers. There are simply too many things to learn in the field of programming, even in only one language.
Even if you are proficient in the language, there are numerous concepts and workarounds to achieve different objectives that can only be learnt through experience.
Programmers are a helpful lot. Most of them are very eager to share their knowledge. Many enthusiastic programmers savour a good challenge. Pose them a fairly though problem and they will be very keen to explore different solutions with you.
Other good sources of information are online newsgroups or forums. The number of fresh ideas to be tapped from this pool of nameless gurus is overwhelming.
Seminars and talks are also very helpful in keeping you updated on the latest developments in the programming industry. Tips and pointers from knowledgeable speakers can provide you with guidelines and best practices to advance you own programming skills.
With so many programmers competing for a piece of the pie in today’s IT industry, it is even more crucial to distinguish yourself as the cream of the crop.
A programmer delivers a program that works.
A good programmer delivers a program that works and is popularly used.
A great programmer delivers a program that is the foundation of more superior programs to come – a program that performs, is widely used and can be effortlessly enhanced and maintained.